Wirtschaft im Stift Lilienfeld

Forestry, hunting and fishing Economic sectors of the abbey

The forests and forest districts of Lilienfeld Abbey are essentially spread across the entire district of Lilienfeld, from Kaumberg on the edge of the Vienna Woods to the southern side of the Ötscher in Mitterbach. For more than thirty years, the forestry operation has relied on natural regeneration and species-rich, structured mixed forests with native tree species. In times of climate change, forest maintenance is a particular challenge that the team around the forestry director is facing. In addition to their economic function, the protective and welfare function of our forests as water reservoirs and air filters, but above all as active CO2 reservoirs, is becoming increasingly important.
Wild animals are an integral part of the forest ecosystem. These also still find their habitat in the forests of the monastery. A balanced relationship between forest and game is important in order to avoid damage caused by game and not to jeopardize the functions of the forest. Hunting management and the awarding of shooting contracts are therefore always carried out under the professional guidance and supervision of our forestry and hunting staff.

Lilienfeld Abbey owns fishing rights to the Traisen, Gölsen and Erlauf rivers as well as the Wienerbruck and Erlaufklause reservoirs. These waters are handed over to tenants for management. Fishing on Lake Erlauf is managed by the abbey itself together with the Austrian Federal Forests. Daily or annual licenses are sold here. 

If you are interested in a hunting, fishing lease or a fishing license, please contact our Forestry Directorate. 

Contact the Forestry Directorate

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+43 2762 522 18 - 0

Environmental ecology

By caring for the forest, Lilienfeld Abbey makes an important ecological contribution. Lilienfeld Abbey also has a river power station on the River Traisen, which it uses to generate green electricity. The river power station also has a fish ladder.

Building authority inventory

Maintaining the various abbey buildings, some of which date back to the 13th century, is a huge and very expensive task. Lilienfeld Abbey also has to maintain parish churches and vicarages in 19 parishes and individual old houses.

The building authority of Lilienfeld Abbey is taking on this task, which it can only fulfil step by step with the help of the Federal Republic of Austria, the state of Lower Austria, the respective communities and affected parishes and private donors. The building department of Lilienfeld Abbey initiates and organises the various restoration works together with experts from the Monuments Office and various companies.

Contact the building authority

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Administration Central Registry

The Central Registry of Lilienfeld Abbey is responsible for the organisation and administration of the abbey′s individual business areas. Its tasks include planning, controlling, contract management, bookkeeping, the preparation of annual financial statements, payment transactions and personnel management.

The office of the Central Registry is located in the Meierhof (Klosterrotte 7/1, 3180 Lilienfeld). The office hours of the Central Registry are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 12:00.

Contact the central office

+43 2762 522921<This e-mail address is protected against spam bots, you have to activate JavaScript in your browser to see it.>